Acupuncture as a way to combat many ailments has long been successfully practiced in many clinics. He has enough supporters and opponents, so it would be nice to understand what the procedure is and how it affects the work of this or that body.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the oldest Chinese practice, which has more than one thousand years.
The body of a person is controlled by the vital energy of Qi. For its movement, it uses certain energy channels – meridians that have a connection with specific internal organs.
If the energy circulates freely, then the person feels well and does not complain about anything. If any channels are blocked, energy stagnates and its current weakens, which immediately reflects on the state of health.
Acupuncture helps to destroy these stagnant phenomena and restore the movement of Qi energy. This is made possible by exposure to certain points under the skin where the Qi energy passes close to the surface of the body.
A needle healer can affect its movement – accelerate, slow down, turn back. Chinese folk healers sing out 12 channels and thousands of acupuncture points. In this case, inflammation and pains are often blamed for an excess of energy, but with its lack, the body, as it were, “withers”, ceases to fully cope with its task.
The benefit of acupuncture is just to restore the normal function of the diseased or weakened organ and restore it to the ability to work as before.
Methods of acupuncture:
- Acupuncture. It involves the introduction of a piercing instrument into the biologically active points of the body.
- Micro-iglotherapy. For this procedure, very small sized needles are used, so-called “buttons”. Often they are left under the skin for a long time – up to several days.
- Auriculotherapy. In this case, the needles are inserted into the auricles, thereby affecting the active points that are located in them.
What is acupuncture used for?
The range of the procedure is incredibly wide. With its help they struggle with:
- infertility;
- increased and reduced pressure;
- diseases of the joints, as well as osteochondrosis;
- bronchial asthma;
- gastrointestinal disorders;
- depression and chronic fatigue;
- violation of sleep.
Often, acupuncture is used for weight loss. By working on certain points on the body, the healer achieves a decrease in the patient’s appetite, which allows him to lose weight without experiencing a painful sense of hunger.
Acupuncture helps with osteochondrosis. As practice shows, this illness is difficult to treat with traditional medicines and makes a person suffer from pain, especially in certain positions of the body.
Acupuncture affects the deep layers of tissues and allows you to reduce pain syndrome, eliminate swelling and improve blood microcirculation. In her process, hormones such as cortisol and serotonin are synthesized, which makes it possible to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.
Those who have any bad habits know well how difficult it is to get rid of them. Often, suffering people turn to specialists for assistance when they have already tried all the other methods and could not get rid of addiction.
Acupuncture eliminates smoking much better than all sorts of patches, herbs, coding. By influencing certain points, it is possible to change the activity of brain structures and affect the craving for smoking by reducing it. As practice shows, the results are visible after 7-14 sessions.
Contraindications and harm to acupuncture
Of course, such a specific procedure can not help but be pitfalls and, first of all, they are related to the qualification and skill level of the specialist himself. With a lack of knowledge, the effect can be zero, or even give the opposite result altogether.
Another danger and harm to acupuncture is the neglect of hygiene and sterility. By means of untreated needles, the viruses of AIDS, hepatitis and other infections can enter the body.
In general, the negative aspects of the procedure include:
- The struggle is not with the very cause of the disease, but with its consequence;
- in some cases acupuncture gives only a short-term result and if a person suffers from a chronic illness, he will have to regularly seek help from such specialists;
- high cost.
Often, acupuncture is combined with massage, which is unacceptable in acute inflammatory diseases, as well as oncology, infectious diseases, exhaustion, tuberculosis, drug and alcohol intoxication, pregnancy.
From all of the above, it can be concluded that a good result in treatment can be obtained only on condition of applying to the real professional of his case.
Picture Credit: WaltiGoehner