Picture Credit: kalhh
In modern society, it is almost impossible to meet healthy people, and most diseases become all “younger.” Osteochondrosis is a very common disease.
However, not everyone knows how to deal with such a disease, how much weight to take, what diet to observe, first to treat a doctor’s back or try to get rid of the pain in the gym yourself.
The disease affects young and athletes
Osteochondrosis is a complex of dystrophic disorders in articular cartilages. Most often this disease affects the lumbar region, since there is a maximum load on the vertebrae, there is also an osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic parts.
The disease is found today in people aged 25 years and even earlier. The causes of the occurrence are not precisely clarified, but the main ones are: genetic predisposition, a sedentary lifestyle, a heavy burden on the back, incorrect training. Among athletes, this disease is also common.
Osteochondrosis can develop in almost any joint, but most often the intervertebral discs are affected. They, as well as vertebrae, do not have nerve endings and receptors and can not cause painful sensations. The cause of pain in the back is the displacement of the position of the disc, which begins to pinch the nearby motor nerves. Thus, pain can occur not only near the spine, but also in the limbs. Also, the pain and numbness that a person with such a disease experiences are most often caused by spasm of the muscles of the stabilizers of the spine (deep back muscles). These muscles are included in the spasm because there is a disruption in the stability of the vertebral segments and the muscles have to perform their compensatory function much more than usual.
Can I heal the spine with sports?
Before choosing for yourself the load, ideally it is worth to be examined by a good medical specialist. And only then turn to the coach with an accurate diagnosis, as he visually can not determine the presence of this disease, especially if there are no obvious symptoms. Every experienced trainer should know what exercises are contraindicated, and how, on the contrary, one should pay attention to this disease.
Picture Credit: arhy82
Cure the disease in the gym can not. Unfortunately, the cartilaginous tissue practically does not lend itself to regeneration. The main task of training in the hall is to remove the pain symptom and discomfort by strengthening the muscles of the back. Medicine has long known that the vertebrae are fixed by the deep back muscles that surround the vertebral column. From this it follows that the main task of training with osteochondrosis is to strengthen the deep muscles of the back through exercises with weights. Also, weight training promotes calcium retention in the bones, which prevents further destruction of the disc.
Treatment should be comprehensive. When osteochondrosis can help therapeutic massage, it is important to choose a qualified specialist.
What exercises can be done and which are prohibited
At the time of exacerbation of the disease, training is contraindicated. Medical treatment should be performed. As the pain in the back decreases, you can gradually add workouts to the fitness club. Impact loads such as jogging, jumping, step aerobics, plyometrics are excluded, since repeated loading on the intervertebral disc can aggravate the condition.
Strength training in the gym is initially more rehabilitative in nature and has other tasks – a set of muscle mass, weight loss, so the strengths go to the back burner. Exercises with axial load on the spine are excluded (squats with a neck on the shoulders, deadlift with a neck, tilts with a neck on the shoulders, attacks with a neck on the shoulders, a press of the neck from the chest or from behind the head). Advantage is given to exercises in a prone position or sitting at an angle of 70-80 degrees with a fixed back.
It is compulsory to include stretching of the spine in the training, excessive bending in the lower back is excluded. All exercises that cause pain are excluded. From cardiovascular equipment you need to choose a horizontal exercise bike, it is recommended to swim. On the treadmill, fast walking is permissible.
The weight of dumbbells is selected individually – depending on the condition of the person.
It is possible and necessary to deal with this disease, the main thing is to choose a qualified trainer who will pick up the right load, and most importantly – you need to listen to your body and watch your own sensations.
Diet for osteochondrosis
Picture Credit: Porohow
It is necessary to drink more pure water for the normalization of the state of the nucleus pulposus, to abandon cigarettes and alcohol, which destroy the cartilaginous tissue and contribute to the reduction of blood vessels. Also exclude sugar, high-grade flour, glucose-based sweets, which disrupt the blood supply in the vessels. Exclude fatty, smoked, spicy and salty.
Useful products for osteochondrosis should contain components for restoring the structure of the cartilaginous tissue, as well as a large amount of water. Their substances must be delivered with blood and well absorbed by tissues.
It is worth eating foods rich in calcium (most of it contains sesame milk), phosphorus (fish, for example, salmon, herring), and for the assimilation of these components you need to use vitamin D3.