How to recognize that you have a deficiency of vitamins? Certain characteristic symptoms are noticeable without any problems.
If, for example, you notice an increasing problem with getting up in the morning or despite a peaceful weekend at home, you would still have to sleep a little longer, maybe you suffer from temporary or chronic fatigue – one of the most common causes is vitamin deficiency.
In addition to the usual daily habits that could be the cause of this condition, it would also be worth looking at what your standard diet looks like. If there is a deficiency of vitamins or other key nutrients in it, the result will be noticeable difficulties with the energy needed to perform the tasks that each day brings.
What is fatigue and what is the relationship with vitamin deficiency?
Each of us sometimes gets an overwhelming sense of weariness, fatigue and discouragement, especially in some months or seasons. You just want to stay in bed all day and do nothing. But after you have a good sleep, you usually return to your normal form and take on everyday activities forgetting how you felt yesterday.
But bigger problems can arise when such weakness or lack of vital energy lasts for several weeks, and what is worse, it becomes bigger and bigger. This phenomenon is referred to in medicine as a chronic fatigue syndrome and is undoubtedly something to pay special attention to.
In addition to the usual everyday stress associated with the events typical of our lives in the present times there are also other causes of fatigue:
- The use of some drugs, such as antidepressants or antihistamines.
- Submission to some medical procedures and procedures, such as irradiation (radiotherapy), chemotherapy, etc.
- Period of recovering and regeneration after a surgical operation.
- Feeling anxious, depressed or nervous.
- Losing a loved one.
- Possible financial or personal problems.
Your everyday habits are also a very important issue that can also be a significant cause of fatigue. It is also worth looking at, the most important irregularities include, among others:
- Insufficient physical activity.
- Laying down late at night and getting up early in the morning.
- Drinking too much coffee or alcohol.
- Excessive amounts of fast food or eating large amounts of sugar.
- Daily schedule full of urgent tasks to do.
- No vacation or longer rest from work and everyday life for a very long time.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that is getting more and more people nowadays. Often, however, it remains unrecognized or misdiagnosed, usually only detected when the symptoms worsen to a degree that hinders normal daily functioning for at least six months.
This disease is not usually associated with other ailments or diseases, and in addition affects more often women than men, especially after the age of 40. Some of the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue are the following:
- Headaches
- Muscle aches
- Enlargement of the lymph nodes
- Problems with memory
- Irritability
- Neutralization
Vitamin deficiency means fatigue
We have already mentioned above some of the habits of everyday life that could be the cause of physical and mental exhaustion, but in addition to them it is also worth remembering that a significant role in how you feel can also be played by your diet – especially if its characteristic there is a shortage of vitamins.
What counts is not only the number of meals consumed during the day, but above all their quality, and specifically what nutrients you provide to your body with their help.
Vitamin deficiency and many so-called “Empty” calories can cause many health problems – including, for example, fatigue, feelings of discouragement and lack of life energy.
So let’s see what’s going on in your body when you’re missing some key nutrients.
Vitamin C
Your immune system benefits the most from this ingredient, and the only source of vitamin C is food, because the body can not produce it alone.
If you suffer from a deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamin C, you should eat in large quantities citrus fruits, tomatoes and peppers, which will allow you to improve the work of protein metabolism and stimulate the functioning of neurotransmitters.
If your body’s level of this extremely important vitamin drops below the normal level, you will feel not only tiredness and fatigue, but it can also be associated with joint pain, swelling of the gums and frequent colds.
Vitamin D
This vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium in the body, which helps to ensure good condition and strength of the skeletal system and increase the range of muscle movement. Vitamin D also effectively stimulates the immune system, reduces inflammation and fights fatigue.
Vitamin deficiency, and in particular D variety, requires an increase in consumption of such products as, for example, tuna, salmon and other fish generally regarded as fat. A good idea to supplement the lack of this vitamin in the body is to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun.
The reduced level of vitamin D in the body translates directly into muscle and bone weakness, as well as sleep disorders and tiredness during the day.
You do not have to be anemic to suffer from too low levels of iron in the body. According to the World Health Organization, a shortage of vitamins and this trace element is one of the biggest nutritional problems in the world.
The most common symptoms of lack of iron in the body are weakness, fatigue and reduced efficiency of cognitive processes.
This in turn results in poor performance at work (or at school), causes imbalances in the functioning of the immune system and difficulties in maintaining a normal body temperature.
This ingredient is commonly found in legumes, nuts and whole grains.
If your body does not receive enough magnesium, you will experience nausea, weakness, limb numbness and tingling, as well as loss of appetite. It can also cause cardiac arrhythmia and muscle spasms.
Vitamin B
Deficiency of B group vitamins (i.e. B1, B6 and B12, for example) is an extremely important problem that should be solved as quickly as possible. Too low a level of one or more vitamins in this group can cause fatigue, depression, loss of muscle mass and low appetite.
- Sarcopenia is one of the diseases caused by the deficiency of B vitamins, it is characterized by general weakness and loss of muscle mass.
- Vitamin B1 or thiamine is responsible for regulating the functioning of the nervous system and the metabolism of blood sugar.
- Vitamin B6 regulates the appetite and metabolic processes of fat.
- Vitamin B12 prevents depression and chronic fatigue.
The deficiency of B vitamins is found in about 15% of the population, many people are not even aware of it.
You can find these essential nutrients for example in products based on cow’s milk, eggs and fish. For vegetarians, however, cereal products enriched with vitamins and yeasts are recommended – especially brewer’s yeast.
Picture Credit: Concord90