Things You Should Know about Examination Tables

Examination table in a physician’s chambers are essential, and there are various reasons in support of their importance when manufacturing. When a patient has to visit the physician and be checked on the examination tables, a certain degree of sanitation, as well as comfort, is expected from them.

Things You Should Know about Examination Tables

Purpose of examination tables:

Examination tables are mostly used for a variety of purposes, from checking the skin conditions of a patient to examining problems like lumps and swellings. The doctor takes his/her seat and starts the diagnose session after making sure the surroundings are sanitized. The fine padded examination tables ensure flexibility and ease of operation while check-ups. The plastic is washable to clean so that it can be set up for the patient waiting for you without much delay. A sterile paper is used to make sure that there will not be germ build up after each examination. To make it easy for the doctor, examination tables are designed to adjust to the doctor’s eye level, so that the doctor doesn’t have to stretch and strain to examine you properly.

Things You Should Know about Examination Tables

Specific features that can be added to examination tables:

  • Drawers and shelves for access to instruments and tools
  • Heaters in drawers to ensure parity of the instrument’s temperature to the temperature of the patient’s skin.
  • Steps to help patients, especially elderly and disabled ones, to escort them to the top of examination tables.
  • Handles for the infirm to grip on to
  • Adjustable backrest to make sure the patient is inclined at a favorable angle to be properly examined.
  • For any pelvic examinations for females, stirrups can be inserted for assistance.

How to choose correct examination tables:

If you’re a doctor of the reasonable repute, you certainly do not want that to be lost because of complaints about inferior chamber material, and primary among those are examination tables. Keep these in mind when purchasing examination tables for your medical center.

Adaptability and flexibility in accommodation: You should keep in mind that the table is required to flexible to adjust according to the size of the patient so that you can concentrate your observations to a particular area on the body of the patient. Also, the lighting that will be used to examine the affected area is crucial; it has to be well illuminated. For these operations, you will need a motor with high power output, so that you can tweak around till you have the best possible view.

Storage readiness: It is a promising idea to have multiple examination tables in your chambers, so that after diagnosing a patient, you can go straight on to the next patient in case if it’s an emergency, and in addition, it will already be sterilized, saving precious time if it is a wound or a deep cut. If you want to, you can have the storage table ordered a foldable unit, in case there is a space crunch.

Portability: Many doctors make home visits and for them, portable examination tables are a good option, the materials should be strong and lightweight, as you have to lug it around. Titanium is mostly preferred in the industry. Customized to the fact that there are lots of patients who have disabilities, making it difficult for them to lie on the examination tables. Making your practice compliant with ADA is a wise move, both in terms of service to the society as well as monetarily. If you have an ADA or American Disabilities Act compliant table, the patient can hoist himself up without any help.

Picture Credit: Shutterstock


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